‘Of Networks and Nodes: The Place of Roman Aldborough ‘

The Roman Roads Research Association together with the Friends of Roman Aldborough are pleased to announce that Dr Mike Bishop will be giving a talk entitled ‘Of Networks and Nodes: The Place of Roman Aldborough ‘ in St Andrews Church Aldborough, Nr Boroughbridge at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 15th July.

This will be a rare opportunity to hear Mike Bishop speak in Yorkshire and early booking is strongly recommended.

You can book via the RRRA website following this link  http://www.romanroads.org/rrratalks.html#MikeBishop 

Mike Bishop has had a distinguished career as an Archaeologist & Romanist, excavating among other places, the Roman Fort at Roecliffe near Aldborough along the route of the modern A1, and of course at Chester-le Street. He is also a prolific writer about Roman military equipment; last year he  published the ‘The Secret History of the Roman Roads of Britain’ which is well worth a read. Whilst the focus  of Mike’s talk will be Roman Aldborough and his thoughts on its place in the road network, the talk promises to be far-ranging covering much of what Mike has to say about Roman Roads in general.

Admission will be free to members of ‘RRRA’ and ‘FORA’. Non-members pay £4.00 at the door. A raffle will also be held with two signed book prizes, kindly donated by Mike Bishop.



Battle of Waterloo Day School — Leeds University and YAS

The Yorkshire Archaeological Society and the School of History, University of Leeds are holding a Day School on Saturday 6 June 2015 to celebrate 200th anniversary of the Battle of waterloo. There will be four speakers exploring aspects of the Battle and those who fought in it from a Yorkshire perspective, together with an opportunity to examine some original documents and artefacts. Held in Lecture Room LG10, Michael Sadler Building University of Leeds 10am – 4.15 pm. Cost £15, £7.50 for students. Booking to Judith Rushron, YAS, 23 Clarendon Road, Leeds LS2 9NZ. Full details and booking form available on YAS website   www.yas.org.uk scroll down on news archive page to find the link.

Dave Weldrake Guided Walk Ilkley Moor Sunday May 31st 2015

Prehistoric Ilkley Moor: a guided walk on Sunday May 31st 2015

DSC_0043 Ilkley Moor cup marked Idol StoneDave Weldrake will be leading a guided walk on Ilkley Moor on Sunday 31st May.    The walk will start from the public car park at the base of the Cow and Calf Rocks at 2.00 PM.
We will look at several notable examples of Rock Art as well as a couple of settlement sites on the edge of the moor.

The cost of the walk is £3. More detailed information can be found on the Dave Weldrake: Heritage Education website